FL: Sheriff bans sex offenders from Hurricane Irma shelters

The sheriff of Polk County Florida is warning sex offenders to stay out of Hurricane Irma shelters.

Sheriff Grady Judd said, “It’s important to understand. If you’re a sexual predator and a sexual offender, we’re not gonna let you sleep next to any five, or six, or seven year old babies. Period. Our shelters are going to be safe.” Full Article

Follow Up: http://www.businessinsider.de/grady-judd-florida-hurricane-irma-response-arrest-warrants-2017-9?r=US&IR=T

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Not punishment though right? Lol

This policy actually comes from a Polk County ordinance that prohibits registered citizens from being at hurricane shelters. If this ordinance is not a prohibited Bill of Attainder, then I don’t know what is. Someone in Florida needs to file for emergency injunctive relief, or people are going to die.

Murderers, drug dealers, gangsters, domestic batterers all welcome. But registered citizens not.

This Sheriff is a despicable and hateful individual and I can bet he has dark sinful skeletons in his closets. Yet, he gives sermons on Sunday church preaching God’s words. He is no sheriff and no saint.

Someone should save Sheriff Grady Judd’s comments under his twitter as they support the findings from 2 major judiciary victories for registered citizens.

His Twitter fiasco made international news and hopefully it reaches Washington DC and the attention of SCOTUS as well.

Fox News has the same article- and there have been the usual list of fat slob ladies leaving their 2 cent comments:


I Kenneth responded and set the record straight.

“[W]e’re not gonna let you sleep next to any five, or six, or seven year old babies.”
First, I doubt that’s what any RC has at the top of his/her mind when trying to get into a hurricane shelter. Second, since when is someone 5, 6, or 7 years old a baby? Baby? Really? Kind of creepy.

hmmmm….so you are going to profile, slander, accuse, defame and false light an RC to assume they are out for the kids in the shelter because of a title even though they have no record of any harm towards a minor? I believe denying aid and comfort to someone (especially in a time of a natural disaster) is illegal regardless of their history.

Banishment is punishment.

Banishment from shelter for a natural occurrence is cruel and unusual punishment.

This action is the exact reasoning Colorado Judge Matsch that it is the public that has imposed the cruel and unusual punishment. Here’s a quote from an article from here on ACSOL:
He wrote that the public has been given the “power to inflict punishments beyond those imposed through the court.”

This is implied Jim Crow type laws. A registrant who is no longer under custody is supposed to be a free person. But this free person cannot take shelter with other free persons. They must seek shelter either in county jail or fend for themselves while others can seek shelter in public edifices.

Note, the Sheriff is willing to overlook non-citizens (who are in all technicality breaking the law) at these public shelters, but the registrants who have been abiding to continue to serve the state (by registering) and are considered free persons cannot seek shelter.

The Sheriff said any offender – meaning he doesn’t care about the distinction of low level or high level. They’re all one and the same – despicable monsters who do not have US Constitutional protections afforded to them nor should they. Hence, the Sheriff has created an implied lower class of individuals who do not possess the USA citizenry protections of its Constitution.

Again… no one would believe that involuntary servitude exists in today’s era. No one believes that “Jim Crow” type laws exists in today’s era. This is all thanks to the SCOTUS who were shortsighted in stating the registry isn’t shaming and causes no disabilities as well as put the onus on registrants to try to prove a negative in never offending along with the registrants proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the aims are punitive – which is completely the opposite of how the courts work.

From the preamble to the Polk County charter as amended November 4, 2008:
, by the grace of God free and
independent, in order to attain greater self-determination, to exercise more control
over our own destiny, to create a more responsible and effective government, and to
guarantee constitutional rights to all equally… ”

Also, how can a county sheriff make up his own ordinances?

“The Board of County Commissioners may take official action only by the
adoption of ordinances, resolutions or motions. Except as otherwise provided by this
Charter, all ordinances, resolutions or motions shall be adopted by majority vote in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws of Florida.”
Was that done?

Folks, sounds like they have a Pig in a Polk.

I was so frustrated about this article that I wrote a commentary blog on Metamora Films. Feel free to share.


Looks like he changed his tune a bit

‘Quit listening to those who have no idea what they are talking about’: Florida sheriff dismisses critics after saying he’d arrest people at hurricane shelters


Felony Domestic Violence Women batterers are allowed? Honestly? I’ll tell my wife and daughter NOT TO GO TO THE HURRICANE SHELTER!!! PITCH A TENT OUTSIDE. Damn fools.

If one sex offender dies Because they cannot take shelter with the rest of the people I pray the family sues the living shit out of the state of Florida and that creepy moron Sheriff . I also hope that sheriff drowns and takes himself out of the jean pool.

The State of Florida has a policy that forbids certain sex offenders from entering an emergency shelter who, as a condition of their probation or parole, can not have contact with children.

So in the wake of this hurricane this sheriff is extending it to every ex- offender ?

He sounds demented.

I`m glad he is getting a loud cyber whooping. There are a 100 plus articles on various new outlets on this now- questioning his authority and audacity to make such statements.

March 20 , 2012 ,,,,, ,The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) filed a federal lawsuit against Polk County ,Florida Sheriff Grady Judd for regularly subjecting children held at the county’s adult jail to abuse , neglect and violence – including the placement the placement of children in a cage for punishment ,,,,, ,, . as well as other lawsuits on Google

Nexus Services To Polk County Sheriff: Your Reckless Tweets Could Kill Your Citizens


Nexus will assist individuals evacuating who may fear that their civil rights could be violated after Sheriff Grady Judd’s tweets, which threatened to utilize life sustaining shelters as a tool to investigate citizens and make arrests.

If you look at the ACL-Who’s Tweets, you’ll notice that they only seem to address the part about those with warrants. They don’t say F*** All about registered citizens. What a bunch of cowards!!!

Pasco county is opening part of a high school during the hurricane it sounds like. I wouln double check though it’s a school:/


In the event of any Registered Citizen dying on the streets of that county during the storm, I suggest it would be appropriate that murder charges be filed against the sheriff and any public official that has enforced or endorsed this ban.

Wow… How can this not be illegal? God this shit drives me crazy.. the ignorance of people that support this attitude. This just goes to prove what the judge in Colorado said is true. Thank you sheriff you’re doing a great job helping RC’c prove that we are being punished.

This is a very troubling article. This is like how the Nazi’s treated the Jews in WW2! This is truly a travisity! Basic human rights. The Sheriff has attempted to demonize these people. Very troubling. The United States has a reputation for helping others, but it’s clear that Florida has done everything it can to roadblock those who have already paid their debt to society. This is essentially a basic human rights violation! We have murderers, gang members, drug dealers, prostitutes, drug users, wife beaters and multiple felons with more rights?

If Judge Matsch in CO had seen these, or known of previous similar actions, then I would like to think he would have included them in his decision!


Polk county sheriff
Hurricane retribution
Terrible glory

Good news! Sheriff is being sued for checking id in hurricane shelter. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/weather/hurricane/os-polk-county-grady-judd-sex-offenders-20170909-story.html